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How Can I Make Money With a Podcast? Tips For 2025!

February 20, 2025

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Podcasts are a relatively modern introduction to the entertainment media while it's safe to say radio channels were the trendsetters. However, these days a lot of popular faces are starting their own podcast channels on different streaming platforms. That is why; “How to make money with a podcast” is an often-asked question!

Just like any other social content, this can be monetized too. You can earn money with podcasts through promotions, publications, selling merchandise, or collaboration. The most important thing to note here is that one needs to focus on a niche subject and target a specific audience. 

Well, it is time to get into the details. We’ll not keep you waiting through stretching words. Let’s get into the details!

What Is a Podcast?

A podcast is a digital audio or video file that comes in episodes working on a specific genre that is made available on the internet. 

Now people like to hear the audio or see the videos online just like they keep up with any other show. One can download or live to enjoy the content depending upon the show's style and platform.  They are often free to access and can be consumed on demand, making them a flexible form of media.

Podcasts are typically episodic, with new episodes released regularly that cover a wide range of topics, such as education, storytelling, news, entertainment, or hobbies.

How Does It Work? : Functioning Method

Podcasts are systematic content like most ones. It will require effort to create an audience-targeted concept to discuss. As the podcast is all about talking, the words should have relatability with the listeners. Even though video podcasts are similarly getting popular, concept and host are still some of the most important elements of such content.

Functioning of Podcasting can be well described in two steps:

Creation of content

The process begins with creating content, where hosts or creators record episodes using microphones and audio software. These recordings may involve interviews, solo storytelling, panel discussions, or scripted narratives. The recorded files are then edited to enhance audio quality, remove mistakes, and add effects, music, or transitions that align with the show’s tone.


Once the episode is ready, it must be hosted on a podcast hosting platform. These platforms, such as Podbean, Buzzsprout, or Anchor, act as the backbone for delivering content. When a creator uploads an episode, the hosting platform generates an RSS feed, which is a standardized format for distributing audio files. This feed contains metadata, such as episode titles, descriptions, and file URLs, which allows podcast directories (like Apple Podcasts or Spotify) to access and display the content.

How to Make Money With a Podcast (A Detailed Guide)

To monetize your podcast, you need to consider some crucial points. Here is a list that delves deeper into the subject. 

Know Your Audience and Have Something to Offer

This is where the exchange takes place. Know your listeners' interests and needs. Offer value through advice, tips, or personalized services. For example, schedule paid one-on-one calls to offer tailored consultations or assistance in your area of expertise.

Make Your Podcast Available

The podcast needs to be made available on different sites, on social media, and anywhere on the internet where the targeted audience might see it. A strong social media presence can truly boost the work's reach. Word-of-mouth is also another common method so asking friends and family to help in this regard could do the job.

You should choose suitable platforms to release your podcast. These days Spotify is doing great with collecting immense success with podcasts. Crwodfundly has this amazing guideline that you can follow to earn money on Spotify with your podcast.

Be Open to Selling Ads and Making Sponsored Videos

Once your content hits the market try making sponsored videos, and selling advertisements. They will generate profit and attract a much wider audience. Try to keep the sponsorships or ads a bit relevant otherwise, the ads will not sell. Partner with different brands that your audience will love. Here's a beginner's guide to getting sponsorships for your podcast.

Here is a quick check on your payment of podcast ads:

Pre-roll Ad Such ads will play before the episode starts 15-25 second pre-roll ad will have a $15 CPM
Mid-roll Ad Mid-roll Ad 30-60 second mid-roll ad will have a $30 CPM
Post-roll Ad adds will be played after the episode has finished 15-25-second post-roll ad will have a $10 CPM

For a detailed breakdown, check out How Much Does A Podcaster Make? 

Affiliate Partnerships

This is like a sponsorship but it is more personalized. Let's say you are using a microphone for your podcast that sells on a specific website, you can link it in your description and mention it in your podcast while also offering your unique discount code that the audience can use. Then on each purchase, you can get a commission.

Create a Subscription Channel

If people love your work they would want to see more of the bloopers, know you personally, and even stay up to date with the upcoming content. You can make a separate subscription channel for that where your audience can pay to see all of these things. Another easy yet effective method.

Sell Your Custom Merchandise

This is a very fun way to interact with your audience as well as get them to benefit you financially. Sell merchandise like t-shirts, hoodies, cups to caps, or anything that your channel reflects on and that could help you generate a decent amount of money. 

Ask Them for Donations

Just like every streamer do not hesitate to ask your audience to give you donations. This is an easy yet effective method that'll work easily if you make good enough content. You can decide which payment method you want to choose. Try to stick with the easiest ways like mobile wallets and e-wallets. You can also reach several supporting online platforms like Crowdfundly for monthly small donations and support your podcast. 

Here is why you better opt for Crowdfundly for donations of your podcast:

Crowdfundly makes it easy to transform casual listeners into dedicated patrons who actively contribute to your podcast's success.

  • Through this user-friendly platform, your fans can support you with small monthly contributions. You will be giving them a sense of ownership in your journey. This fosters a thriving community of supporters invested in your growth. 
  • You can set up flexible donation tiers, allowing fans to choose how much they want to contribute. Even if it’s small tips or higher amounts in exchange for a new channel this will give perks like bonus content, behind-the-scenes access, or personalized shoutouts. 
  • Crowdfundly also fosters a sense of community, turning your audience into an interactive group where they can share feedback and ultimately publicize your work.

Sell Premium Content

Sell episodes like live streams, special guest appearances, or limited edition series as premium content that your audience will pay to watch. 

Contents like these also have an increased demand due to low availability and you can use that to your benefit. But before you move to selling paid content make sure you see how your podcast is performing. Here's how you can measure your podcast's performance.

Restrict Access to Your Archive

If you have been creating content for a long time, archive your older ones and make them available only with a paid subscription. In this way, you can not only earn from your current episodes but also from the ones you made a long time ago.

Create a Podcasting Network & Collaborate

Creating a podcasting network and collaborating with other podcasters can significantly enhance your reach and monetization potential. By connecting with like-minded creators, you can share audiences, pool resources, and co-create engaging content. See how you can create a podcast network and how well it works for you.

Tips While Monetizing podcast:

  • Communicate clearly with the audience when you are featuring sponsored content or ads. You can explain the pros, and cons in a blanched way. 
  • Be honest about affiliate links or paid promotions to maintain audience trust.
  • Interact with listeners through social media, emails, or Q&A sessions to build a strong connection.
  • Avoid overloading episodes with ads in the beginning days, as this may frustrate your audience.
  • Place ads strategically and ensure they match the interests of your listeners.
  • Getting professional help advertising your channel could be really helpful. There are several different media companies that can help you reach a larger audience and earn more from them.
  • Analyze your podcast quality to bring effective changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where Do I Start From?

To monetize your podcast firstly you need to work on building a strong audience. Focus on your content first and build your way up into monetization and sponsorships.

How Do Sponsorships Work?

You need to insert the ads inside your content by mentioning the brand, their product, or whatever service they are providing you with. It could also be sponsoring your entire episode and you can mention that as "This episode was sponsored by brand XYZ".

As a Beginner Should I Sell Premium Contents?

As a beginner, it is better to avoid it. It is important that you have a strong existing audience before moving on with premium content. People are only going to pay for content if they are as good and the audience is a long-term one.

Wrap Up

The podcast is definitely one of those pieces of content online that can easily earn you money. For that, you just need to know the right process and design your content accordingly. Concentrate enough on your content, no matter how well you follow the tactics. This guide on how to make money with a podcast provides everything you need to get started and succeed.

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