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A Strategic Guide: Steps to Make Money from Podcasts on Spotify

February 28, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Unlock the full potential of monetizing your Spotify podcast with these strategic steps- 

  • Affiliate Marketing: Earn by promoting products.
  • Sponsors: Attract credible sponsors.
  • Advertisements: Include targeted ads.
  • Courses: Sell niche courses.
  • Donations: Encourage direct support.
  • Premium Subscription: Offer exclusive content.
  • Live Events: Monetize workshops.
  • Products: Showcase merchandise.
  • Services: Highlight coaching.
  • Commit, Innovate, Cultivate: Stay consistent for a sustainable income.

To know this strategy to make money from podcasts using spotify in detail, with further explanation to help answer your curiosity, read the article ahead.

strategy to make money from podcasts using spotify

Understanding Podcast Monetization

Making money from your podcast is not just a dream, it's a reality. Now, you might be wondering, does Spotify open the treasure chest for podcasters? While Spotify doesn't directly dish out dollars for your content, the potential for earning is sky-high.

Imagine that you build a dedicated fanbase and catch the eye of advertisers and sponsors, you're well on your way to turning your podcast into a money-making machine. Top-tier highest-paid podcasters, like the renowned Joe Rogan, have already showcased the financial rewards this medium can bring.

So in Spotify, do podcasts make money? Yes, they do  Podcasters on Spotify can rake in the cash through sponsorships, ads, and affiliate marketing. But here's the exciting news- “Spotify has recently rolled out a podcast monetization scheme (currently available in the U.S. only), and it's a game-changer”.

Now, through Anchor, Spotify's podcast hosting service, you can supercharge your podcast revenue with paid subscriptions. It's like having a direct pipeline to cash flow while doing what you love. The possibilities are endless, and the rewards are waiting for podcasters ready to take the plunge into the Spotify podcast monetization journey. 

Requirements For Monetizing A Podcast On Spotify

If you've got a podcast on Spotify, the burning question must be, can you turn your passion into profit? Yes, you can. Spotify offers monetization opportunities, but let's dive into the requirements to unlock this monetization procedure.

Podcast Subscriptions

To tantalize subscribers with exclusive content, you need at least two published episodes. Make sure your podcast is available in regions where Podcast Subscriptions are offered, and you've garnered at least 100 Spotify listeners in the last 60 days.

Listener Support

If you're based in the US and have released two episodes, you're on the right track. Oh, and don't forget to rack up those 100 Spotify listeners in the last 60 days.

Ambassador Ads

To activate Ambassador Ads, US-based creators need one episode published in the past 60 days and a fanbase of at least 100 Spotify listeners during the same period. Time to let your podcast shine!

Automated Ads

Access to Automated Ads is currently an exclusive invitation-only affair. Keep an eye out for that golden ticket. Remember, sticking to Spotify's content policies and community guidelines is non-negotiable. 

Crowdfundly, a versatile crowdfunding platform, can become your ally in following through these requrements. Whether unlocking exclusive content through Podcast Subscriptions, earning through listener support, or activating Ambassador Ads, Crowdfundly empowers creators like you with a seamless fundraising experience.

Steps To Monetize A Podcast On Spotify

Now, let's talk about how to unleash the full potential of podcast monetization and chart the course to unlock the full potential of turning your passion into profit with these strategic steps.

Steps To Monetize A Podcast On Spotify

Affiliate Marketing

Leverage your podcast's reach to promote products or services through affiliate marketing. Earn commissions on sales generated through your unique link. It's a win-win since your audience gets valuable recommendations, and you get a slice of the sales pie.


Attract sponsors to advertise their offerings through mid-roll or pre-roll ads. Build credibility in your niche to enhance your appeal to potential sponsors. It's not just about ads; it's about fostering partnerships that align with your content and resonate with your audience.


Incorporate mid-roll, pre-roll, and post-roll ads targeted at specific audiences. Partner with ad networks to maintain control over brand-aligned ads. Keep it seamless, engaging, and relevant to ensure your audience stays hooked.


Sell niche-related courses and promote them via your podcast. Drive traffic to your course sales pages and create a scalable income stream. Your podcast becomes a gateway to valuable knowledge, and your audience gets the opportunity to dive deeper into the topics they love.


Engage your loyal audience by accepting direct donations through platforms like Crowdfundly, Patreon, PayPal, or Ko-fi. Make it known that their support contributes to making your podcast even better, and encourage them to be a part of your podcasting journey. But, with Crowdfundly, it's not just a virtual tip jar; it's a catalyst for your remarkable content. Choose Crowdfundly since it offers you with:

  • Seamlessly transform casual listeners into dedicated supporters.
  • Fans contribute a modest monthly amount, claiming a stake in your podcast's success.
  • Foster a vibrant community, turning your audience into an active tribe supporting podcast growth.
  • Whether tech-savvy or a novice, Crowdfundly ensures a smooth experience, simplifying integration.
  • Every listener becomes a patron, and each episode evolves into a reservoir of support, turning podcasting dreams into reality.

Premium Subscription

Offer exclusive content or ad-free listening to subscribers through premium subscriptions. Create an extra revenue stream while rewarding your dedicated fans. Make your premium content enticing, making subscribers feel like they're part of an exclusive club.

Live Events

Monetize your content through workshops, live recordings, and meet and greets. Foster a stronger podcast community by bringing your audience closer to the action. Live events not only generate income but also create memorable experiences for your fans.


Utilize your podcast to showcase and promote merchandise and online courses. Increase product sales by turning your podcast into a platform for exclusive and enticing offerings. Your audience becomes your brand ambassadors. 

Here, you can seel the products using Crowdfundly as well since it can make the selling procedure simple and easy. Here's why it's the perfect choice once again-

  • Crowdfundly simplifies the selling process, ensuring a smooth experience for both you and your audience.
  • Seamlessly integrate product sales into your podcast platform, boosting user engagement and driving increased sales.
  • Foster a vibrant community with Crowdfundly, turning your audience into active supporters and influential brand ambassadors.
  • Whether tech-savvy or new to online platforms, Crowdfundly ensures accessibility for everyone, making the buying process a breeze.
  • Beyond product sales, Crowdfundly enables fan contributions, creating a strong financial backing for your podcast's success.


Showcase coaching or consulting services via your podcast. Attract new clients and generate revenue by leveraging your expertise. Your podcast becomes a showcase for the value you can provide beyond the audio realm.

Commit, Innovate, Cultivate

It demands commitment, innovation, and consistency. Cultivate a loyal audience, deliver valuable content, and explore diverse monetization avenues while adhering to Spotify's guidelines. Transform your love for podcasting into a sustainable income stream.

Benefits Of Monetizing A Podcast On Spotify

Embarking on the journey of podcasting opens up a world of possibilities, and when it comes to monetization on Spotify, the benefits can be truly rewarding. Let's explore the potential gains based on download milestones:

1,000 Downloads Per Episode

Achieving this milestone opens up avenues for income, demonstrating the tangible returns on your podcasting efforts. Here's a breakdown of potential earnings:

  • Patreon Support: $100 per month
  • Affiliate Sales: $150 per month
  • Course Sales: $495 per month
  • Total Earnings: $745 per month

5,000 Downloads Per Episode

As you climb the podcasting ladder, reaching 5,000 downloads per episode places you among the experienced podcasters. Here, the potential financial gains take a significant leap and the estimated earnings will be $4,000 per month.

20,000 or More Downloads Per Episode (Top Tier 1-2%)

Now, you've ascended to the top tier of podcasters, commanding a substantial audience. The rewards reflect the influence and reach of your podcast with an estimated earning of $10,000-$15,000 per month.

It's important to note that while Spotify serves as a powerful platform, direct monetization from Spotify alone may not be the primary source of income. The real magic lies in diversifying your revenue streams. 

In essence, the benefits of monetizing your podcast on Spotify extend beyond monetary gains. It's a journey of growth, influence, and the satisfaction of turning your passion into a sustainable income stream. 

So, keep creating engaging content, nurture your audience, and explore the diverse opportunities that podcasting on Spotify brings to the table. Now all you need is to sign up and start your podcast. 


How Much Does Spotify Pay For 1,000 Streams?

With Spotify's per-stream rate, 1,000 annual streams typically generate around $3, often falling below the minimum for payouts set by many distributors.

Who Is The Highest Paid Podcast?

Joe Rogan holds the title, securing an exclusive Spotify deal for The Joe Rogan Experience, valued at least $200 million, according to Forbes.

How Do I Start A Podcast With No Experience?

Follow these steps: brainstorm topics, choose affordable equipment, create engaging content (interviews, solo episodes, discussions), promote on social media, and measure/optimize for audience growth.

How Do I Monetize My Spotify Account?

Monetize after building an audience. Options include ads, sponsorships, and paid deals. To set up Spotify Payouts, connect your Spotify account, fill out required info, and save. You can sign up as an individual or a business, with no service differences.

Crowdfundly Team
The Crowdfundly team gathers to write up actionable resources to help you start, create, publish, and promote your content on Crowdfundly.

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