Our extensive documentation is developed to make you a Crowdfundly master!
With these step-by-step instructions you can create and manage team members in Crowdfundly easily in less than 5 minutes.
Make contributing to your campaigns easier by adding contribution preset amounts in Crowdfundly.
By following these basic steps you can create and manage your Campaign Categories in Crowdfundly.
Crowdfundly allows you to set a custom email address to send your organizational emails without your SMTP configuration.
Add social account links to your fundraising organization or campaigns in Crowdfundly to build credibility and raise funds faster.
Crowdfundly comes with a 'Wallet' feature that lets you accept or reject payouts, check the net amount, number of tips received, and much more.
You can easily add payout methods in Crowdfundly to request for withdrawal of funds from any campaign by following our step-by-step instructions.
You can easily add offline contributions in Crowdfundly to keep track of your fundraising projects.
You can receive and check offline contributions for any campaign in Crowdfundly by following a few simple steps.
You can easily create and manage roles for each of your team members in Crowdfundly to run your fundraising campaigns more efficiently.
Crowdfundly lets you upload media files such as logos, cover photos, and favicon to help you customize your fundraiser page or organization profile.