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Who Are The Highest-Paid Podcasters? [A Success Chart]

February 28, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Here’s a brief ranking of the highest-paid podcasters with their annual income-

  • First: Joe Rogan- $30 Million.
  • Second: Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark- $15 Million each.
  • Third: Dax Shepard- $9 Million.
  • Fourth: Bill Simmons- $7 Million.
  • Fifth: Chapo Trap Network- $2 Million.

Now, delve more into this podcasting cosmos, and you’ll find out more about the highest-paid luminaries.

What’s The Podcast Market Now?

The Podcast Market is on fire right now, and it's not just because everyone's talking about it! Thanks to podcast hosts becoming the rockstars of audio and big players like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Amazon turning up the volume on monetization, the industry is booming. 

More than half of all Americans have already tuned into a podcast. That's not just a trend; it's a phenomenon that's growing by the day. With the simplicity of downloading and the continuous emergence of fantastic podcasts, the numbers keep climbing.

The secret sauce is low barriers to entry. All you need is the right recording gear and an internet connection, and you're set to join the podcasting wave. Even you can make money from podcasts on Spotify by following a few easy steps.

But, let's be real, not every podcast is raking in the big bucks. The real deal is creating captivating content and building a loyal audience. It's this winning combination that opens the door to podcast advertising and sponsorships, paving the way for success in the podcasting realm.

Now, speaking of success, have you heard about Crowdfundly? It's not just a tool; it's the game-changer for all those aspiring podcasters out there. With Crowdfundly, you're not just raising funds; you're elevating your podcasting game. It's the best-selling tool in the market, and for good reason! 

So, why to settle for average when you can start and amplify your podcasting journey with Crowdfundly?

Factors Affecting The Earnings And Steps To Overcome Them

Podcasters' earnings hinge on diverse revenue streams tied to their content. Popular podcasts go beyond ads; they endorse products, creating multiple income streams. 

Podcasters make a lot of money but podcasting isn't just about making money; it's a cornerstone of content marketing. Businesses leverage podcasts to sell products indirectly, building credibility through engaging content. Creating a lucrative podcast involves planning, quality equipment, and strategic marketing. Here are steps to launch a successful podcast:

Define Your Concept: A compelling idea attracts listeners. Check out "Make Noise: A Creators Guide to Podcasting" for inspiration.

Plan Your Episodes: Outline format, length, and structure. Incorporate segments, interviews, or storytelling to captivate your audience.

Set Up Equipment: Invest in top-notch gear—microphone, headphones, recording/editing software. Ensure a quiet, distraction-free environment.

Record and Edit: Speak clearly, and engage your audience. Edit for quality—remove errors, enhance audio, and add effects using software like Audacity or Adobe Audition.

Publish and Promote: Choose a hosting platform, and upload to directories (Apple Podcasts, Spotify). Create eye-catching art, and write compelling descriptions. Market through social media, your site, and collaborations.

What Are The Highest-Earning Podcasts?

While exact figures on podcast earnings remain a mystery, here are some insights into the potential earnings of top podcasts, giving you a glimpse into what's achievable:

The Joe Rogan Experience

With a staggering $800,000 per episode and three episodes weekly, Joe Rogan's show hits a remarkable $9.6 million monthly. Add in $16,500 to $264,000 from YouTube, and you see why he's a podcast giant.

Chapo Trap House

Boasting 32,874 patrons, this podcast pulls in an impressive $147,262 monthly, showcasing the power of a dedicated audience.

Pat Flynn's Smart Passive Income

Without traditional ads, Pat Flynn's dual podcasts rake in over $100,000 monthly through affiliate revenue, proving alternative monetization strategies.

Last Podcast On The Left

With 11,290 patrons, Last Podcast On The Left secures $53,958 monthly, illustrating the potential from a committed listener base.

Tiny Meat Gang

Garnering 10,638 patrons, this podcast hits $51,199 monthly, demonstrating the impact of engaged supporters.

The H3 Podcast

Combining ads, YouTube, and Twitch revenue, The H3 Podcast nearly reaches $500,000 monthly, showcasing the versatility of income streams.

The Ringer

A podcast advertising powerhouse, The Ringer hauls in over $15 million annually, highlighting the lucrative possibilities in the podcast ad space.

The Highest-Paid Podcasters

It is time now, to delve into the world of top-earning podcasters unveil a diverse group of personalities making waves in the industry. Here's a deep dive into the highest-paid podcasters:

Joe Rogan ($30 Million)

Renowned comedian turned UFC commentator, Joe Rogan's podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience, exclusively on Spotify since December 2020, rakes in a staggering $30 million annually. With a massive following and a unique format, Rogan has solidified his position as the top earner.

Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark ($15 Million)

Co-hosts of the true-crime comedy podcast My Favorite Murder, Karen and Georgia have built a devoted fan base, known as "Murderinos." Their tagline, "Stay Sexy & Don’t Get Murdered," has become iconic, leading to a net worth of $15 million each.

Dax Shepard ($9 Million)

Multi-talented actor, comedian, and podcast host, Dax Shepard's Armchair Expert boasts an estimated monthly audience of 20 million. Shepard's diverse background, from feature films to live shows, contributes to his $9 million annual earnings.

Bill Simmons ($7 Million)

Sports analyst, author, and CEO of The Ringer, Bill Simmons' podcast consistently ranks in Apple's top 25, generating approximately $7 million in revenue annually.

Chapo Trap Network ($2 Million)

Controversial and provocative, Chapo Trap House has garnered a significant following. Despite controversies, the podcast, with its New York Times Best Seller book and a strong Patreon base, secures a spot among the highest earners.

Tim Dillon ($1.3 Million)

Former subprime mortgage seller turned stand-up comedian, Tim Dillon's humorous exploration of practical conspiracies and dark aspects of humanity has earned him over $1.3 million yearly, showcasing the power of subscriber-based platforms like Patreon.

Ramit Sethi (Multi-Million Dollar Business)

Taking a unique approach, Ramit Sethi treats his podcast as a marketing channel, leveraging it to grow his online business. While not podcasting for a decade, Sethi's strategic use of the medium has contributed to his substantial income.

Annual Earnings For Highest-Paid Podcasters

Let's take a peek into the annual earnings of some of the highest-paid podcasters and the years they've invested in their craft:

Joe Rogan

The podcast titan, Joe Rogan, commands a staggering $30 million annually, leveraging 14 years of podcasting experience.

Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark

Co-hosts of the true-crime comedy podcast, My Favorite Murder, Karen and Georgia bring in an impressive $15 million each year, accumulating 9 years of podcasting expertise.

Dax Shepard

With a diverse background spanning five years in podcasting, Dax Shepard earns a remarkable $9 million annually through his show, Armchair Expert.

Bill Simmons

The seasoned podcaster and sports analyst, Bill Simmons, generates $7 million annually, boasting an extensive 16 years of podcasting under his belt.

Chapo Trap Network

Despite controversies, the Chapo Trap House network earns a solid $2 million annually, building on 7 years of podcasting.

Tim Dillon

In just 4 years, Tim Dillon has carved a niche, earning an impressive $1.3 million annually with his unique and humorous content.

It's worth noting that the individuals on this list already had a level of fame before entering the podcasting scene, contributing to their rapid success. While these figures showcase the potential rewards of podcasting, it's essential to recognize the role of pre-existing fame in propelling these podcasters to financial heights.

Is Starting A Podcast Worth It?

So, if you’re a beginner, is starting a podcast worth it? Yes, It is worth it. The podcasting landscape has experienced substantial growth in recent years, with over 55,000 active podcasts hosting 18.5 million episodes, as reported by the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. 

While success in podcasting, like any business venture, requires time and persistence, the potential rewards are significant. The key lies in delivering content that is unique, informative, and entertaining. While you may not see immediate overwhelming responses, maintaining content quality can lead to a steady increase in your audience over time.

Now, let's talk money. The highest-earning podcasters, such as Joe Rogan, Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark, Dax Shepard, Bill Simmons, Chapo Trap Network, and Tim Dillon, showcase the substantial income potential in podcasting. While reaching the level of the richest podcasters may take time, it's possible to make a decent income from the start.

Podcasters don't rely solely on podcasting for income; additional revenue streams come from sponsorships, advertisements, and other sources. So when your subscriber base grows, your earning potential does as well. But, in case you need crowdfunding or to sell your merch, you can do that via Crowdfundly. 

Crowdfundly can help you collect the funds in a simple and easy process and also can help you sell your merch allowing you to promote them in a very convenient way.

Again, sponsorships and ads are common ways to monetize podcasts, leading to increased recognition and the potential to be recognized as one of the biggest podcasts globally. In essence, starting a podcast is not just worth it; it opens doors to various opportunities for financial success.


Who Is The Biggest Podcast Company?

Riverside stands out as a leading podcast company, offering all-in-one recording and editing tools for beginners and professionals alike. Its browser-based platform ensures quality sound and video without sacrificing ease of use.

Do Podcasters Make A Lot Of Money?

Yes, podcasters can earn substantial income. The top podcasters, like Joe Rogan and Karen Kilgariff & Georgia Hardstark, make millions annually. Growing your audience leads to sponsorships, ads, and increased revenue, making podcasting a lucrative venture.

What Is The Best Podcast Platform?

Buzzsprout is an excellent choice for beginners, offering an easy-to-use interface, affordable pricing, and features like transcription services and dynamic content insertion. Podbean is also popular, providing customizable themes and monetization options for both hobbyists and professionals.

What Is The Largest Genre Of Podcast?

Comedy takes the spotlight as the most popular podcast genre, with 22% of U.S. listeners expressing interest in humor-driven content. News, true crime, and sports follow closely behind in terms of popularity among podcast genres.

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