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Sell Your Photo Prints on Etsy: Easy Step-by-Step Guide!

February 28, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Etsy is a known website where people can sell handmade and unique things. You can open your shop on Etsy and sell your photo prints there. Some people do it as a full-time job, while others do it on the side to make extra money. You just need to set up your shop on Etsy to sell your photo prints. 

So, if you're interested in selling your photos, Etsy is a platform worth considering. Starting a shop on Etsy is simple, but selling photos can be tricky. 

In this article, we will explore how to start selling photo prints on Etsy with a step-by-step guide. So, keep with us throughout the entire article to ace every hack!

What Are Photo Prints?

A photo print is a copy of a picture you can print on paper or use digitally. Selling pictures on Etsy can be creative as you can choose to sell them from two options:

Physical Prints: 

Selling physical photo prints is trendy because people usually buy these to decorate their room or wall or present these prints as gifts. They're always in demand, no matter the time.

However, it can be challenging. Before selling photo prints, check that the shipping fees are reasonable. Also, you may need to limit your sales only to certain countries, but that will cause fewer customers.

  • Find a good printing/framing company that you can trust for high-quality images.
  • Offer different and customized packaging options. If you make extra effort for your clients, they'll be impressed and visit your shop more.

If you handle these tasks well, you can get many clients without spending too much.

Digital Prints: 

Selling digital versions of your photo prints is way simpler to avoid shipping concerns that can be created in selling physical photo prints. Buyers can get a download link right after the purchase.

To sell digital photo prints, you must maintain higher-quality images affiliated with the right keywords. It will help you to attract targeted buyers.

Follow copyright rules for the digital files. Mention in your digital photo print description what users can and can't do with your pictures.

Photographers usually allow printing of the photo for personal use but say no to commercial use. You can allow commercial use if users credit your art or pay an extra fee. It's your choice.

How to Sell Photo Prints on Etsy: Step-by-Step Guide

In this section, we will take you through the steps that will ensure your store's successful launch and operation. 

Pick A Suitable Store Name

Pick A Suitable Store Name

Figuring out the right name for your Etsy store can help you to achieve and reach potential customers quicker than ever, 

  • When picking a name for your Etsy shop, be creative. Make it something that will make people curious and want to see your photo prints. The name should match your store's theme, product values, and what you're good at.
  • Think about who you want to sell to. Are you selling computer wallpapers or cute pet photos for animal lovers? The name should connect with your audience.
  • Don’t forget to add specific keywords like Photo, Photo prints, Image, Pictures, Prints, etc., at the end of your Etsy name. This shows it's a photo prints shop on Etsy. 

Remember, you can only change your name once instantly on Etsy, so choose the name carefully. Any future changes to the store name will need approval from Etsy.

Personalize the Theme of Your Etsy Shop 

Imagine your Etsy shop as a canvas, and you're the artist. Adding your personal flair will help you to stand out from other shops. To give your shop a unique touch, you can use any of the below:

Etsy Shop Icons:

You will have small blocks of images on the top left of your homepage. Pick and place your shop's icon here.

Cover Photos:

Covers are different from banners and are smaller for quick loading on smartphones. They're optional and show at the top of your shop's homepage. However, choosing the right cover photos that represent your brand effectively can attract your customers better. 

Authenticity is always attractive, so stay true to your brand as you customize your Etsy store to draw attention to customers.

Customizing Options to Sell Your Photo Prints

Besides selling the photo prints in the form of a physical copy or digital print, there are other cool options too, like selling:

  • Tshirts with photo prints
  • Tote bags with your photo prints
  • Mugs, keyrings with photo prints, and more

You can also sell forms of digital pictures based on what your clients want. Listings for photo prints on Etsy can stay up for about four months. If they don't sell, you can switch them out with new ones.

Adding Photo Prints to Etsy Shop

Putting your photo Prints on Etsy is a breeze. Make sure the pictures you upload have a special touch of yours that catches buyers' eyes. Your unique touch could be:

  • Unique places where you take pictures
  • Your signature lighting or angles
  • Distinct photo retouching and editing style
  • Customized frames that come with photo prints, and more.

Remember, people on Etsy look for original, special images, and prints that will make great gifts. So, make sure your shop and your photo prints don't look like everyone else's. Stand out as much as you can.

Make Your Photo Descriptions Stand Out

When selling on Etsy, the details of your photo print descriptions matter. Some sellers forget the importance of:

  • Thumbnails
  • Keywords
  • Descriptions

These are marketing tools that can boost your Etsy sales. So, be creative and invest time in writing relevant descriptions. Use tags, thumbnails, and keywords that match the seasons, and theme of your photo prints.

How Much Does It Worth to Sell Photo Prints on Etsy?

Etsy is a popular choice for selling photo prints and other interesting stuff. However, like any marketplace, there are both good and not-so-good things to think about.

Why Use Etsy?

  • Etsy buyers seek unique and handmade items, benefiting sellers with innovative products. 
  • With its accessible tools, Etsy suits merchants of all expertise levels.
  • Etsy's popularity brings millions of monthly visitors, reducing the need for extensive marketing efforts.

Despite the advantages of the platform, there are many issues you should look out for when selling photo prints on Etsy.

Some common downsides of Etsy are:

  • Highly Competitive: Etsy's vast marketplace makes visibility challenging, often requiring a substantial number of listings.
  • No Assurance of Customer Loyalty: Buyers may prioritize price and shipping convenience over loyalty to individual sellers due to the platform's diverse offerings.
  • Increased Transaction Fees: Etsy's raised transaction fee and additional charges can squeeze profit margins for sellers.
  • Strict Policies: Adherence to Etsy's strict selling policies is crucial; violations may lead to shop suspension or closure.

Alternative to Etsy to Sell Photo Prints Online: Crowdfundly

Crowdfundly is a tool exclusively for creators to earn donations, sell memberships, and sell any digital items to fans. 

Crowdfundly should be your go-to tool if you are a photography enthusiast and looking for a place to sell your photo prints. Here, you can also sell any type of digital product- ebooks, music, audio files, videos, and so on. 

Why Do We Recommend Crowdfundly? 

Among different strict policies and increased fees of other competitors, here’s why we recommend you use Crowdfundly: 

  • No middleman commission 
  • Flexible policy for the seller
  • Less competition
  • Easy 2-minute setup 
  • 100% control of seller

You can build and customize your shop and sell photo prints to your fans in 4 easy steps. Here are the steps to create a shop and sell your  photo prints on Crowdfundly:

  • Create an account and set the payment getaway from ‘Settings’.
  • Go to ‘Shop’ in the sidebar and then choose ‘Photography’ from ‘My Items”.
  • Fill up the required details and set the pricing of your Photos. 
  • Choose ‘Create” and now you will have your shop in these steps.

Now enlist all the photo print items you would like to sell to your community. You can even create different categories of the items you would like to sell.

Share your shop link to your social media platforms to reach out to more consumers. To get the link, go to ‘View My Page’ from the menu bar on the topmost right corner. Then go to ‘Shop’, and click on the art you want to share. 

Closing Words

We hope this answers all your curiosity about how to sell photo prints on Etsy

Selling photo prints on Etsy can be fun and rewarding. It can be a bit challenging, but these tips can make it easier. Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to sharing your unique prints with the world. And if you're looking for more control and less hassle, give Crowdfundly a try. Happy selling!

Crowdfundly Team
The Crowdfundly team gathers to write up actionable resources to help you start, create, publish, and promote your content on Crowdfundly.

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