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How To Choose Membership Level Names: 7 Ways

February 28, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Naming your membership levels is important because then your members get a clarity and it is easier to communicate with them. 

What Is The Membership Level?

Membership levels are different packages offered for members. These packages vary in price, the number of users, payment schedules, access levels, and benefits. You might wonder if having just one level would be simpler but having multiple levels brings extra advantages to your membership program. 

Why Should You Name Your Membership Levels?

Even though offering one level of membership would be easier and simpler, multi-level membership has its benefits. 

  • Clarity to members: Make it clear for potential embers by assigning a distinct name to each membership level. This highlights the variations between tiers and aids in conveying the unique value of each level. This clarity simplifies the decision-making process for potential members, enabling them to easily identify which tier aligns best with their needs. 
  • Share the value effectively: carefully choosing a name for each membership level aids in expressing the associated benefits and value. For instance, names suggesting exclusivity can enhance the perceived value of those membership levels.
  • Boost your brand and identity: The names you assign to your membership levels contribute to solidifying your brand identity. Opting for names that match your brand’s tone, messaging, and overall theme establishes a unified experience for your members. This process strengthens the link between your membership site and your brand, fostering a more cohesive and recognizable association. 
  • Forge an emotional bond: Crafting imaginative and memorable names for membership levels can cultivate an emotional connection with potential members. When individuals feel a sense of belonging or excellent about a specific membership tier, they are inclined to join and maintain their loyalty as members.
  • Facilitate communication: Clear and distinct names for membership levels streamline communication with your audience. Members and potential members can effortlessly reference a particular membership tier, simplifying discussion and comparisons of benefits and features for each level. 

Steps Of Naming Membership Levels

Know Your Audience 

Start by gaining a deep understanding of your audience. Explore their interests, values, and motivations. Pay attention to the language they commonly use. This insight will be your compassion in crafting names that genuinely resonate with your members. 

By delving into your audience’s preferences and communication style, you can tailor your subscription tier names to align seamlessly with what appeals to them. 

This connection is essential for creating names that not only make sense but also foster a strong and relatable bond with your members. 

Align With Your Brand

Ensure that your membership-level names are in harmony with your brand identity. Maintain consistency with your brand’s voice, tone, and values. If your brand exudes a playful vibe, let your names mirror that with a touch of fun and quirkiness.

On the other hand, if your brand is characterized by seriousness and professionalism, opt for more formal and polished names.

The goal is to create a seamless connection between your membership tier names and your brand image. This alignment not only reinforces your brand identity but also enhances the overall cohesiveness of your offering.

Brainstorm Names 

Now, it's time for the exciting phase of brainstorming names. Give yourself the freedom to think outside the box and let your creativity flow without imposing constraints.

Generate as many names as possible during this stage. Consider employing tools such as mind maps or word association games to spark and develop ideas. 

The key is to explore a wide range of possibilities. Quantity is crucial at this stage, as it opens up the opportunity for diverse and innovative options. 

Once you have a robust list, you can then refine and narrow down your choices based on relevance, appeal, and alignment with your audience and brand. 

Evaluate And Shortlist

After compiling a list of potential names, the next step is to thoroughly evaluate them. Consider factors such as whether the names resonate with your audience, align with your brand identity, and are clear and easily understood. 

Weed out names that don’t meet these criteria. Ensure that the shortlisted names possess a strong connection with your target audience, reflecting their interests and preferences. 

Confirm that these names seamlessly fit into your brand’s voice and values. Additionally, prioritize clarity to avoid confusion among your members.

By applying these criteria, you can refine your list and narrow it down to the most promising and fitting membership-level names.

This step is crucial in ensuring that the chosen names effectively communicate and connect with your audience while staying. 

Get Feedback 

Before committing to final names, seek feedback from a select group of trusted members or colleagues. Their input can offer valuable perspectives and aid in refining your choices.

This small-scale testing allows you to gauge reactions and preferences, uncovering potential insights that might have been overlooked. 

Pay attention to any concerns, preferences, or suggestions from this group. By incorporating their feedback, you can fine-tune the names to ensure they resonate well with your audience and align seamlessly. 

This collaborative approach not only enhances the quality of your final choices but also ensures a more inclusive and well-rounded decision-making process.

Implement and communicate 

Conclude the process by implementing your chosen membership-level names. Update your websites, marketing materials, and any other platforms where names are featured. 

Communicate these changes to your members, explaining the significance behind the names. 

This not only fosters a connection between your members and the new names but also enhances their engagement with your community.

View the creation of the membership-level names as a rewarding and enjoyable process. It's a chance to actively involve your members and strengthen their connection to your community. 

Invest the time in crafting names that aren’t only meaningful and engaging but also resonate with your brand identity. This thoughtful approach contributes to a more vibrant and connected community experience. 

Membership Platform: Crowdfundly

Are you someone looking for platforms to create membership for your fans?

While membership sites or platforms are good options for community building, it can be a bit difficult and hassling with coding and designing the whole thing from scratch.

So, here is another option- Crowdfunding. Crowdfundly is a tool exclusively for creators to earn donations, sell memberships, and sell any digital items to fans. 

Crowdfundly should be your go-to tool if you are a content creator and looking for a tool to create your community and deliver exclusive content to your fanbase. Here, you can even sell any type of digital product- ebooks, music, audio files, photos, videos, and so on. 

Why Do We Recommend Crowdfundly? 

Here’s why we recommend you use Crowdfundly: 


What is a membership site?

A membership website in the exclusive section of your business where you can deliver premium content like online courses, newsletters, and events to subscribers.

How Many Membership Levels Should You Have?

There is no specific number of memerbship levels that is right or wrong. It depend on your members and values proposition. However, the ideal number of membership levels you can have is 3 levels. Leveling your memberships will give your members clarity and also you can easily point your memerbs toward upgrading their memerbship and increase their clarity. 

How Much Does It Cost To Build A Membership Site?

Opting for a basic website builder involves additional costs such as service, domain and hosting fees, ranging from $20 to a few hundred dollars per month. In contrast, an all-in-one membership management software includes a website builder aligned with various tools like contact databases and marketing features, eliminating the need for separate domain and hosting expenses. 

Concluding words

Now that you know how to name your memerbship levels, start naming them to increase engagement of your members.

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The Crowdfundly team gathers to write up actionable resources to help you start, create, publish, and promote your content on Crowdfundly.

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