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How Much Does It Cost To Start A Podcast? Ultimate Guide

February 28, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Podcasting costs vary among creators, with some sending nothing and others investing in professional setups. Essential podcast necessities include a computer ($200 to $2000), recording, editing/software (free to $200), microphone ($50 to $500), and headphones ($40 to $400), totaling $290 to $3100. Additional extras like pop filter, audio interface, and acoustic treatment range from $360 to $2950. 

Factors Influencing Podcast Costs 

Podcasting goals

Determining the type of podcaster you want is crucial in planning your podcast setup and managing costs. If you aim to host influential guests in a private studio, you’ll need equality equipment like 2 microphones and an audio interface. 

Coordinating schedules and ensuring a smooth interview process may require outsourcing tasks like scheduling and editing. 

Alternatively, if you prefer a mobile podcasting approach, recording on the go with a smartphone and a Lavalier lapel mic could be sufficient. 

Your chosen podcasting model realty influences equipment needs and associated costs, chosen model greatly influences equipment needs and associated costs, emphasizing the importance of early decision-making in the planning process. 

Target audience

Your audience plays a significant role in influencing your podcast costs, as their preferences and expectations impact your expenditures. 

Meeting high production value expectations may require investing in quality equipment, and if your audience anticipates notable guests, additional expenses like travel coverage or compensation may rise. 

Established brands with existing audiences must consider maintaining a level of quality to preserve their reputation. 

On the other hand, if your audience appreciates authentic and unpolished content, you might get by with inexpensive equipment and potentially forgo extensive editing. 

Understanding and catering to your audience’s preferences are essential in managing podcast costs effectively. 


Your personal preferences and vision for your podcast are crucial factors influencing your podcast's costs. Consider the type of show you want to create and the podcaster identity you envision for yourself.

If having a top-notch, well-designed podcasting space and crystal-clear audio is priority for your satisfaction, then investing in that direction is essential.

It's crucial to align your podcasting setup with your ideal vision, as a mismatch could lead to dissatisfaction and potential abandonment of podcasting. 

Prioritize creating an experience that resonates with your personal preferences to ensure a positive and enjoyable podcasting journey.

How Much Does A Podcast Cost?

Different podcasters spend varying amounts of money on their shows. Some may spend nothing, using existing tools, while others invest in professional studios. Here’s a breakdown of basic podcast necessities and additional extras:


  • Computer: $200 to $2000
  • Recording and editing software: Free to $200
  • Microphone: $50 to $500
  • Headphones: $40 to $400

Total cost of necessities: $290 to $3100

Extras (Nice to Have)

  • Pop filter: $15 to $50
  • Audio interface: $75 to $300
  • Headphone amplifier: $30 to $300
  • Microphone boom/stand: $20 to $100
  • Mixer: $100 to $250
  • Acoustic treatment: $20 to $300
  • Cables: $50 to $150
  • Shock mount: $50 to $100
  • Cover art: Free to $300
  • Intro segment: Free to $400
  • Music: Free to $200
  • Podcasting training: Free to $500

Total cost of extras: $360 to $2950

Note some extras are free and their utility depends on your setup. You can make your cover art, intros, and outros. Also, the need for certain extras, like acoustic treatment panels, depends on your recording environment.


A quality podcast host is crucial, providing storage for your audio files and generating an RSS feed. Hosting services typically range from $20 to $100 per month. 

This fee allows your podcast to be available on various platforms like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, as these platforms only require your RSS link to pull the necessary data. 

Consider your podcasting goals and preferences when deciding on equipment and extras to ensure an enjoyable and cost-effective podcasting experience. 


Marketing your podcast and building your audience can be a low-cost or high-cost endeavor. Depending on your approach and willingness to take on tasks yourself. Key elements of podcast marketing strategy include: 

Podcast website 

  • Build a website, preferably using a WordPress theme.
  • Free if done independently. $40-$100 for a premium theme.
  • Hiring a designer or agency can range from a few hundred to thousands of dollars.

Podcast submission

  • Submit your show to podcast listening apps and directories.
  • Usually free, and some podcast hosts may automate this process.

Episode pages on the website 

  • Publish a page on your website for each new episode
  • Typically free 

Social media presence 

  • Be active on social media platforms
  • Free, with a potential $20-$40/month investment in a social media scheduling tool for workflow efficiency. 

Email marketing 

  • Grow an email list and regularly engage with subscribers.
  • $20-$50/month for quality email marketing tools or marketing automation software. 

By taking on tasks, you can keep marketing costs to a minimum. Utilizing free or affordable tools for website development, social media management and email marketing can help establish an effective promotion strategy without significant expenses.

Alternative Way For Podcasting: Hiring A Podcast Production Agency

For a streamlined and reliable podcasting experience, consider hiring a podcast producer. This approach alleviates technical responsibilities on your part, easing the challenges of podcast development and production.

Certain production companies may go a step further by managing guest scheduling, and enhancing your credibility through notable associations.

While the option can incur higher costs, it significantly reduces the time commitment required for production and elevates the overall quality of your podcast. 

It's essential to recognize the value offered by these done-for-you production companies and be prepared to assess the associated costs. This investment can prove worthwhile for those seeking professional assistance. 

There are 2 types of production companies:

  • Agencies that will give basic podcasting support 
  • Agencies with premium services for podcasting 

To choose which agency suits your needs best, consider:

  • Their experience in the market
  • Their reputation and ratings
  • If you need extra or premium service
  • Estimated hours needed 

Are you a podcaster?

If you are a podcaster, or planning to start a podcasting career, check out Crowdfundly. Crowdfundly is a tool exclusively for content creators.

Crowdfunding is designed to facilitate the connection between creators and their fans, providing creators with tools to monetize their creativity effectively. 

As a podcaster, you can create your community of loyal fans, sell your podcasts and merch through Crowdfundly shop, and receive donations from your fans for your creativity. 

Crowdfundly emphasizes enhancing communication, engagement, and feedback between creators and their fans. 


What Are The Best Podcasting Platforms To Start With?

Many platforms are good for starting podcasting. Like, as Podbean, Acst, Spotify for podcasters, Buzzsprouts, Captivate, Castos, Hello Audio, Libsyn, Megaphone and Transistor. If you start podcasting, evaluate these platforms according to their features and pricing and decide which will suit you best. 

What Are Must-Have Equipment For Starting Podcasting?

To start podcasting, you;ll need essential equipment including a high-quality microphone like the Blue Yeti, closed-back headphones for monitoring audio, and a pop filter to reduce plosive sounds. Additionally, invest in a boom arm or microphone stand, shock mount for isolating the microphone from vibrations and audio interface if using an XLR microphone. Acoustic treatment, recording/editing software like Audacity, and optional portable recorders such as H4n can your podcasting setup. 

Can Podcasting Be Free?

Yes, podcasting can be free. Podcasting is remarkably inclusive, providing nearly anyone with the opportunity to create content irrespective of financial constraints. However, challenges such as limited access to recording spaces and equipment still exist. In essence, individuals can utilize resources like public libraries, record on basic computer setups, use free hosting platforms, and share their voices globally through podcasting. 

Concluding Words

Now that you know how much it costs to start a podcast, start away your podcasting journey.

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