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How Does A Paid Partnership On Facebook Work? [Finally Answered!]

April 4, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Paid partnerships on Facebook are collaborations between creators or influencers and businesses to create branded content that reaches a larger audience. Creators like you may utilize the "paid partnerships with" label on Facebook Reels to turn their work into partnership advertisements. 

Also, you need to conform to branded content regulations, which include guidelines for tagging, audience limits, and design specifications. The process attempts to improve engagement and openness in influencer marketing tactics.

Now that you know how paid partnerships work on Facebook, you can learn more about it as you browse the rest of the article.

What Does Paid Partnership On Facebook Mean?

Paid partnerships on Facebook, also known as branded content, involve posts created by a content creator or publisher that feature a brand or third-party product. 

This content can include various formats like videos, photos, written text, live videos, and more. To secure branded content deals, creators typically collaborate with brands through Facebook's Brand Collabs Manager or Branded Content Tool.

Understanding Paid Partnership Or Branded Content In Detail

Paid partnerships, commonly seen in influencer marketing, involve agreements where individuals promote products or brands, gaining exposure through their content. 

These partnerships are identified by tags placed above the posts, aiding businesses in tracking the success of branded content ads and targeting specific audiences more efficiently. Let's delve into the details of understanding paid partnerships or branded content:

The Facebook Brand Collabs Manager acts as a bridge between brands and creators across Meta platforms, similar to TikTok Creator Marketplace. It facilitates audience matching, allowing brands to assess how well a creator's audience aligns with their own.

In contrast, Facebook’s Branded Content Tool empowers creators to tag their business partners in posts, providing brands with valuable insights like reach, engagement, and cost per mile. This tool enhances transparency and enables brands to monitor the effectiveness of branded content ads.

Benefits Of A Paid Partnership

The benefits of a paid partnership extend beyond conventional advertising methods, offering advantages such as

Perception Enhancement

Facebook paid partnership posts are favorably perceived by consumers compared to typical brand ads. For example, according to Forbes, branded content boasts a 59% higher brand recall compared to display ads. 

Similarly, brand favorability increases by 7%, and purchase consideration by 9%.

Expanded Audience Reach

Paid partnerships to bolster audience reach by creating consumer-centric content, encouraging sharing among followers, and expanding brand exposure through influencer engagement. 

This results in a wider audience reach, as the posts resonate more with consumers due to their authenticity and relevance. For instance, when influencers share sponsored content with their followers, it often reaches a larger and more engaged audience compared to traditional ads.

You can also add a link from your Crowdfundly account to sell your products included there. Facebook allows you to earn commissions by promoting your art from spaces like Crowdfundly to potential users. 

Additionally, with a branded dashboard, customizable forms, and linking with popular tools, Crowdfundly aims to enhance the fundraising experience. Track referrals, clicks, and commissions in real-time through the affiliate dashboard and receive support from Crowdfundly's dedicated affiliate team. 


Paid partnership posts foster trust with audiences by leveraging the influencer's credibility to endorse brands. This enhances consumer receptivity, loyalty, and willingness to engage. 

For example, consumers are more likely to trust a product or service recommended by an influencer they follow, leading to increased brand trust and loyalty over time.

Higher Conversion Rates

These partnerships often lead to higher conversion rates by leveraging the influencer's influence, prompting consumers to view the brand or product favorably and facilitating purchase decisions. 

For instance, Particle For Men, a skincare brand, experienced a 24% increase in return on ad spend (ROAS) and a 14% increase in click-through rate (CTR) by partnering with influencers to promote their products.

How Does The Paid Partnership On Facebook Work?

Paid partnerships on Facebook operate through a collaboration between creators or influencers and brands, allowing them to create branded content that reaches a wider audience. Here's how the process works:

Creating Branded Content on Facebook Reels

Creators can use the "paid partnerships with" label for branded content on Facebook Reels. By tagging participating sponsors, creators enable easy conversion of the content into partnership ads.

Adding Branded Content Tags

To tag a business associated with a brand or product on Facebook Reels, creators must use Facebook's branded content tool. This tool allows them to tag the business partner, notifying them and providing certain metrics about the post.

Branded Content Policies for Creators

Creators must comply with Facebook's Branded Content Policies when creating branded content. These policies regulate the promotion of certain content and require adherence to community standards and eligibility requirements.

Converting Branded Content to Partnership Ads

Existing branded content on Reels can be converted to partnership ads through Ads Manager. By selecting the "Use existing post" option, advertisers can choose the branded content post and customize it with a call to action before publishing the campaign.

Applying Audience Restrictions

Advertisers can apply audience restrictions to branded content on Facebook Reels ads. This involves adjusting age and location settings based on the requirements set forth by the restricted category being promoted.

Design Specifications for Partnership Ads

Partnership ads on Facebook Reels must adhere to specific design specifications, including file type, video settings, resolution, and primary text length, to ensure optimal performance and compliance.

Overall, creating and managing paid partnerships on Facebook involves collaboration, adherence to policies, and strategic planning to maximize reach and engagement with branded content. 

Paid Partnership Eligibility Requirement

Paid partnership eligibility requirements on Facebook encompass several key criteria:

Content Creation on Eligible Surfaces

Partnership ads are currently available for public content on Facebook Pages or profiles in professional mode. This means that content creators must ensure their posts are made on eligible surfaces to qualify for partnership ads.

Adherence to Community Standards

All content must adhere to Facebook's Community Standards, including rules against hate speech, calls for violence, sexualized content, and inauthentic behavior. Violating these standards can lead to ineligibility or loss of eligibility for partnership ads.

Sharing Accurate Information

Creators and publishers must share accurate information and content flagged as misinformation or false news may render them ineligible for partnership ads.

Established Presence

Creators and publishers must have an authentic and established presence on Facebook, including maintaining a sufficient follower base. This ensures credibility and legitimacy in the platform's ecosystem.

Compliance with Political Advertising Rules

Certain political and government entities, such as current elected and appointed officials, political candidates, parties, committees, and government agencies, are ineligible to run partnership ads. 

Additionally, communications regulated as political advertising under applicable law may also be ineligible.

Modification by Facebook

Facebook reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate access to its content monetization features at any time, potentially affecting the eligibility of creators and publishers for partnership ads.

Content creators and publishers must meet these eligibility requirements to ensure their continued ability to run partnership ads on Facebook. Violating these criteria can result in the loss of eligibility and potential limitations on monetization and advertising capabilities. 

Also, make sure you’re following the eligibility requirement for Facebook monetization as well. You must meet the basic requirements to earn money using Facebook.

How Do You Create A Paid Partnership On Facebook?

Creating a paid partnership on Facebook involves collaboration between a brand and a creator or influencer. Here's a step-by-step guide to requesting a branded content post:

Find Relevant Creators and Influencers

It's crucial to identify creators or influencers who align with your brand's values and have an active community on Facebook. Use tools like Facebook's Brand Collabs Manager or Incense to find suitable partners within your niche.

Access Facebook Ads Manager

Head to your Facebook Ads Manager and either create a new campaign or select a previous one. You can also do a campaign and earn by selling your tickets on Facebook. 

Set Campaign Parameters

Choose your campaign objective, and budget, and name your ad set and ad. Save your progress to draft.

Enter Ad Set Level

Navigate to the ad set level and apply audience targeting and preferred ad placement.

Select Ad Level

Proceed to the ad level and choose "Use Existing Post" then "Select Post".

Choose Branded Content

At the top, select "Branded Content" and choose the creator's post. Continue to the next step.

Preview and Customize

Review the preview of the partnership ad, add a website URL, and call to action if necessary.

Publish Your Campaign

Once satisfied with the preview, publish your campaign to make the partnership ad live.

Confirm Your Partnership Ad

Ensure the creator has allowed the post to be promoted as a partnership ad. If the yellow exclamation icon restricts this action, communicate with the creator to toggle on the "Allow Business Partner to Promote" setting.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and launch a paid partnership ad on Facebook, leveraging the influence of creators and influencers to reach your target audience.

Concerns About Paid Partnerships On Facebook

Concerns about paid partnerships on Facebook arise when influencers tag brands in their posts without being officially appointed as ambassadors. Using the paid partnership tag without a formal agreement can mislead audiences and undermine the authenticity of the partnership. 

It's important to ensure that influencers are appointed by brands before using this feature to maintain transparency and integrity in influencer marketing practices.


What Is A Branded Content Tool On Facebook?

The branded content tool lets creators tag business partners in posts, giving brands insights like reach and engagement metrics.

How Do You Get Paid For Paid Partnership?

Influencers get paid upfront by brands for promoting them on platforms like Instagram, with top influencers earning hundreds of thousands per post.

How Much Do Influencers Make With Paid Partnerships?

Earnings vary widely, with top influencers making hundreds of thousands per post, mid-tier influencers earning thousands, and micro-influencers earning tens of dollars or freebies.

How Much Is A TikTok Paid Partnership?

TikTok is a top platform for income generation, with 30% of creators reporting it as the most profitable, surpassing YouTube, which is the main source of income for creators earning over $200,000 per year.

Final Notes

Finally, understanding how paid partnerships function on Facebook reveals a world of collaborative branding opportunities between creators and businesses. By adhering to guidelines, utilizing tools like the Brand Collabs Manager, and fostering trust through authentic content, these partnerships can elevate brand perception, expand audience reach, and drive higher conversion rates. 

With transparency and strategic planning, creators and brands can unlock the full potential of paid partnerships on Facebook

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