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From Tweets To Transactions: How To Sell Content On Twitter (X At Present)?

March 15, 2024

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Crowdfundly Opengraph image

Static and dynamic content editing

Hi. I’m Seth Godin. I’m a teacher, and I do projects. For more than thirty years, I’ve been trying to turn on lights, inspire people and teach them how to level up – Seth Godin

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

A list looks like this:

  • Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  • Do Permission Marketing
  • Invent, Implement and Sell the Ideas
  • Sell What People Want, Not What They Need
  • Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Deliver Basic Human Wants

A list looks like this:

  1. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  2. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  3. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  4. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  5. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell
  6. Marketing Is about The Stories You Tell

Currently, Twitter (X) is more than just a space for sharing thoughts; it is a powerful way for businesses to connect with their target audience. To unlock the full potential of Twitter for content sales you may go along with this step-by-step guide.

  • Optimize Your Twitter Profile
  • Make Your Twitter Profile Shoppable
  • Find Potential Customers
  • Build Twitter Lists
  • Run Twitter Ads
  • Engage and Interact
  • Promote Exclusive Offers
  • Use Twitter Analytics
  • Leverage Twitter Shopping
  • Collaborate with Influencers
  • Host Twitter Chats and Polls
  • Measure and Adjust

You’ve now got to know the steps to sell content on Twitter (X), but to know them in detail and elevate your Twitter game read the article ahead.

Why Use X (Previously Twitter) For Selling Content?

Despite having a smaller user base than giants like TikTok and Facebook, X's unique features make it a powerhouse for businesses. You can choose to sell your content here since-

Build Authentic Communities

X fosters true social networking, allowing businesses to connect with their audience on a personal level. So you can engage freely with customers, starting and joining conversations effortlessly. 

Advanced Search Capabilities

With robust search features, X lets you find relevant conversations and users. Filter searches by keyword, location, or engagement levels to connect with the most relevant audience.

Personality Over Content

Unlike platforms focusing on visuals, X emphasizes personality and voice. Charisma, expertise, or humor can set you apart. Showcase your brand's unique identity in a space that values character.

Frequent Posting

With a faster pace than other social networks, X encourages frequent posting. While a daily post suffices on Instagram, X thrives on 2 to 10 or more posts a day, keeping your content dynamic and engaging.

Real-time Engagement

Respond to trends and events in real-time with X's concise 280-character limit. Join conversations, and newsjack trends, and showcase your brand's agility.

Beloved by Audiences

A whopping 70% of users enjoy engaging with brands on X. Be part of the "brand Twitter" phenomenon and tap into a space where your brand is loved.

Networking Opportunities

You can also connect with influencers, journalists, and industry leaders. Use public tweets or direct messages to spark partnerships, catch attention, and expand your network. 

You can easily interlink selling tools like Crowdfundly on X if you want to sell something on it. Creating a link with selling tools like Crowdfundly can facilitate your process of partnering with influencers, catching attention, and expanding your network, especially if you want to sell something on your platform.

Step-By-Step Guide To Sell Content On Twitter

Twitter, or as we fondly call it X, is not just a platform for sharing thoughts; it's a powerful tool for businesses and entrepreneurs to connect with their target audience and drive sales. 

To successfully sell content on X, you need a carefully crafted strategy that utilizes the platform's strengths. 

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process:

1. Optimize Your Twitter Profile

Your Twitter profile is your digital storefront, so make it appealing and conversion-focused. Follow these key elements:

  • Cover Photo: Feature your brand or product prominently. (Recommended dimensions: 1500 pixels by 500 pixels)
  • Bio: Clearly describe what you offer in 160 characters or less. Mention relevant accounts and include additional links besides the one in your URL.
  • URL: Promote a link to your website or a specific page.
  • Shop Spotlight: Use the Shop Spotlight to directly showcase up to five products in a carousel.
  • Pinned Tweet: Feature a compelling tweet at the top of your profile to make a great first impression.

2. Make Your Twitter Profile Shoppable

  • Utilize Twitter Shopping features to put your products front and center. If you're using Shopify, install the Twitter sales channel from the Shopify app store.
  • Create a Product Set and add products.
  • Choose how to display your products: as a Shop Spotlight carousel or a more extensive Twitter Shop.
  • Publish it to your Twitter profile.

3. Find Potential Customers Using Twitter's Powerful Search Features

Don't overlook the power of Twitter's search bar. Monitor conversations that matter most to you, engage with tweets mentioning your product category, address problems, and respond to requests for recommendations. 

Use advanced search to include or exclude specific keywords, user accounts, hashtags, and time frames.

4. Build Twitter Lists of Potential Customers and Influencers

Lists are an underused feature. Create curated feeds of tweets from a select group of users, including potential customers, influencers, and competitors. Engage with their tweets and build relationships within the community.

5. Run Twitter Ads for Your Products

Twitter offers advertising options to reach specific demographics. Experiment with different ad formats and focus on awareness, followers, or engagement. Let your optimized profile handle conversions for those who visit but aren't ready to buy. 

6. Engage and Interact

Embrace the social nature of Twitter by actively engaging with your audience. Respond to comments, address queries, and join meaningful conversations to cultivate relationships, fostering trust that can translate into future sales.

7. Promote Exclusive Offers

Ignite interest by sharing exclusive discounts, promotions, and giveaways on Twitter. Limited-time offers create a sense of urgency, driving followers to make purchases and boosting sales.

8. Use Twitter Analytics

Utilize Twitter Analytics to gauge the effectiveness of your efforts. Keep a close eye on engagement metrics, click-through rates, and conversion rates, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy for optimal performance.

9. Leverage Twitter Shopping for Physical Products

For businesses selling physical products, leverage Twitter Shopping features to create shoppable tweets. Enable users to seamlessly make purchases directly through your tweets, enhancing the convenience of shopping.

10. Collaborate with Influencers

Forge partnerships with influencers whose followers align with your target audience. Collaborative efforts, such as product reviews, giveaways, or shoutouts, can significantly amplify your brand's reach and impact.

11. Host Twitter Chats and Polls

Enhance audience engagement by hosting Twitter chats on relevant topics or conducting polls. This not only increases visibility but also provides valuable insights from your audience, guiding your marketing strategy.

12. Measure and Adjust

Regularly measure the performance of your Twitter strategy and adapt based on analytics. By refining your approach, you can enhance sales tactics and ensure your Twitter presence aligns seamlessly with your business objectives.

You can also monetize other social media followings other than X (Twitter).

Common Challenges On Twitter And How To Conquer Them

Let's delve into the common challenges faced on Twitter and provide actionable strategies to conquer them, ensuring a successful and impactful presence on the platform.

Etiquette Matters: Spell It Right

Challenge: Spelling errors can harm your brand image.

Solution: Prioritize accurate spelling to convey professionalism and reliability. Double-check all content for spelling accuracy before posting. Use spell-check tools and, if possible, have a second set of eyes review important tweets.

Business Is Not Personal

Challenge: Treating your business Twitter like a personal account blurs professionalism.

Solution: Maintain a business-centric tone to reinforce your brand identity. Clearly define guidelines for tweet content, ensuring it aligns with your brand's values and objectives. Train team members on the distinct voice and style of your business Twitter.

Control Access Wisely

Challenge: Inappropriate account access can lead to miscommunications.

Solution: Restrict access to trusted team members for a cohesive brand voice. Implement tiered access levels, granting specific permissions based on roles. Regularly review and update access rights to align with staff responsibilities.

Hashtag Handle with Care

Challenge: Misusing trending topics or hashtags can backfire.

Solution: Stay vigilant and avoid exploiting sensitive trends for promotional gains. Research and understand the context of trending hashtags before use. Create an internal guideline for appropriate hashtag use, emphasizing sensitivity to current events.

Tweeting Tone: Stay Conversational

Challenge: Being too stiff can alienate your audience.

Solution: Maintain a conversational tone, fostering a relatable brand persona. Develop a style guide that encourages a conversational tone. Encourage team members to engage with followers authentically, responding to comments and questions in a friendly manner.

Balance Scheduled and Spontaneous Tweets

Challenge: Rigid tweet schedules can become predictable and dull.

Solution: Plan tweets but leave room for spontaneity, responding to trending topics for fresh engagement. Create a content calendar for scheduled tweets, but allow flexibility for real-time engagement. Monitor trends and news for opportunities to inject timely content.

Strategic Posting Times

Challenge: Sticking to a fixed posting schedule might become monotonous.

Solution: Vary your posting times to reach a broader audience and keep things interesting. Analyze engagement metrics to identify peak times. Experiment with posting at different times and days to discover when your audience is most active.

Avoid Overpromotion

Challenge: Constant hard selling can turn off followers.

Solution: Balance promotional tweets with valuable content to create a well-rounded brand presence. Develop a content mix that includes informative, entertaining, and promotional tweets. Use a ratio (e.g., 80:20) to ensure a diverse and engaging feed.

Address Negative Feedback

Challenge: Ignoring negative comments damages your brand reputation.

Solution: Respond sincerely and provide quality customer service to turn negatives into positives. Establish a protocol for handling negative feedback. 

Respond promptly, acknowledge concerns, and take the conversation offline when necessary. Use constructive criticism to improve products or services.

Learn from the Mistakes of Others

Avoid brand fails like Entenmann’s by learning from others' Twitter mishaps. Conduct regular reviews of notable social media blunders. Extract lessons and integrate them into training materials to educate your team on potential pitfalls. If possible use the best editing software for your content like podcasts and all. 


What Kinds Of Products Sell Best On Twitter?

Products catering to active niches like productivity, wellness, gaming, technology, and business tend to perform exceptionally well on Twitter.

Can You Make Money Selling Products On Twitter?

Yes, you can make money selling products on Twitter. While Twitter may not be the easiest for scaling product sales, strategic approaches can lead to both direct and indirect revenue generation.

How Would You Start Selling Products On Twitter?

Start by setting up a Shopify store and seamlessly connect it to Twitter. Utilize the free Twitter sales channel to effortlessly add a shop to your profile, kickstarting your selling journey.

Do You Need A Huge Following On Twitter To Make Money?

No, a massive following isn't necessary. Active engagement and participation in conversations are key. Growing your audience gradually through meaningful interactions is more impactful.


In conclusion, mastering how to sell content on X (formerly Twitter) unveils a dynamic realm for businesses. Elon Musk's transformative vision turned Twitter into X, an everything app. 

By optimizing profiles, embracing Twitter's unique features, and navigating challenges, businesses can tap into X's potential, fostering engagement, growth, and successful content sales. Elevate your Twitter game with strategic steps and connect authentically in the world of X.

Crowdfundly Team
The Crowdfundly team gathers to write up actionable resources to help you start, create, publish, and promote your content on Crowdfundly.

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